Worthington Reading List: A Book That Takes Place Where You Were Born

As I've been working on my 2016 Worthington Reading List, I have come to appreciate Goodreads more and more. I'm learning you can find almost any book there... and in any list imaginable! Including lists for this category: A book that takes place where you were born.

Here are some lists that I found to help with this category:


Still Alice by Lisa Genova

I was born in Boston, MA so I read Still Alice by Lisa Genova for this category of Worthington Reading List. This book takes place in Boston, MA while the main character, Alice, and her husband are professors at Harvard University. This book sucked me in and held me there. I actually had to stop for a while when I was 3/4 of the way through because I didn't want it to end (and I didn't really want to read the ending...) It's a book that will make you FEEL, it's a heart wrenching book that makes you think about life. I'm very glad I read it, and highly recommend it!

Should you read it? YES! (times a million)

It's actually the book I'm hosting for Delicious Reads book club this year! If you have any ideas for that meeting, I'd appreciate them in the comments!

Where were you born, and what book are you reading for this category?

Thanks for reading!

PS. To read more about this book check out THIS POST from Delicious Reads and THIS ONE from Modern Mrs. Darcy. 



  1. I can't wait for your book club about this book! I'm excited to reread it.


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